Educational Resources
- The Blessing of a Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogel, Ph.D.
- The Blessing of a B Minus by Wendy Mogel, Ph.D.
- Incredible Years: A Troubleshooting Guide for Parents of Children Aged 3 to 8 by Carolyn Webster-Stratton
- Last Child in the Woods, Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv
- The Price of Privilege by Madeline Levine
- Ready or Not, Here Life Comes by Mel Levine, M.D.
- Superparenting for ADD: An Innovative Approach to Parenting Your Distracted Child by Edward Hollowell, M.D.
- Taking Charge of Your Child's Sleep by Judith Owens, MD
- How to Raise a Drug-Free Kid: The Straight Dope for Parents by Joseph Califano Jr.
- Parenting Your Out-of-Control Teenager: 7 Steps to Reestablish Authority and Reclaim Love by Scott P. Sellsby
- Talk to Me First: Everything You Need to Know to Become Your Kids' Go-To Person about Sex by Deborah Roffman
- Smart but Scattered by Peg Dawson
- Parenting the Strong-Willed Child by Rex Forehand
- The Talk: What Your Kids Need to Hear From You About Sex by Sharon Maxwell, Ph.D
- Giftedness 101 by Linda Silverman, Ph.D
- Living with Intensity: Understanding the Sensitivity, Excitability, and Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Susan Daniels and Michael Piechowski
- Feeding the Mouth that Bites You: A Complete Guide to Parenting Adolescents and Launching Them Into the World by Kenneth Wilgus, Ph.D.
- The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives by William Stixrud, Ph.D. and Ned Johnson
- A Parent's Guide to High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: How to Meet the Challenges and Help Your Child Thrive, 2nd Edition by James McPartland, PhD, and Sally Ozonoff, PhD
- Late, Lost, and Unprepared: A Parents' Guide to Helping Children with Executive Functioning by Joyce Cooper-Kahn & Laurie Dietzel
- Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents by Russell Barkley, PhD
Learning Disabilities
- A Mind at a Time by Mel Levine, M.D.
- Its So Much Work to Be Your Friend by Richard Lavoie
- Many Ways to Learn: A Young People's Guide to Learning Disabilities by Judith Stern
- Life After High School - A Guide for Students with Disabilities and Their Families by Susan Yellin
- The K&W Guide to Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities or ADHD by Marybeth Kravets and Imy Wax
- Thinking Differently, An Inspiring Guide for Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities by David Flink
- Organizational Skills Training for Children with ADHD: An Empirically Supported Treatment by Richard Gallagher PhD, Howard Abikoff PhD, Elana Spira PhD
- College Success for Students with Disabilities: A Guide to Finding and Using Resources, With Real-world Stories by Irene Ingersoll
- The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia (Documentary available through iTunes)
- Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John Ratey, M.D.
- Helping Students Remember by Milton Dehn, EdD
- Overcoming Dyslexia: A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level by Sally Shaywitz, MD
- The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain by Brock Eide, MD, MA, & Fernette Eide, MD
- The Self-Help Guide for Teens with Dyslexia by Alais Winton
- Why is Math so Difficult for Some Children?: The Nature and Origins of Mathematical Learning Difficulties and Disabilities by Daniel Berch & Michele Mazzocco
Children's Mental Health
- You and Your Anxious Child by Anne Marie Albano
- Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety: A Workbook for Overcoming Anxiety at Home, at School, and Everywhere Else by Christopher Willard, PsyD
- The Anxiety Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Deal with Anxiety and Worry by Lisa Schab, LCSW
- My Anxious Mind: A Teen's Guide to Managing Anxiety and Panic by Michael Tompkins, Katherine Martinez, & Michael Sloan
- It's Nobody's Fault by Harold Koplewicz, M.D.
- The Mislabeled Child by Brock Eide, M.D. and Fernette Eide, M.D.
- Your Defiant Child by Russell Barclay
- Freeing Your Child From Anxiety by Tamar Chansky, Ph.D.
- Raising a Sensory Smart Child: The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Processing Issues by Lindsay Biel, Nancy Peske
- Treating Self-Injury: A Practical Guide by Barent Walsh, Ph.D.
- Talking Back to OCD by John March
- But He Never Hit Me: The Devastating Cost of Non-Physical Abuse to Girls and Women by Jill Murray, Ph.D.
- A Parent's Guide to High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, Second Edition: How to Meet the Challenges and Help Your Child Thrive by Sally Ozonoff PhD
- The Hair Pulling "Habit" and You: How to Solve the Trichotillomania Puzzle, Revised Edition by Ruth Goldfinger Golomb
- A Parent Guide to Hair Pulling Disorder: Effective Parenting Strategies for Children with Trichotillomania by Suzanne Mouton-Odum PhD, Ruth Goldfinger Golomb LCPC
- An Early Start for Your Child with Autism by Rogers, Dawson and Vismara
- The Science of Making Friends: Helping Socially Challenged Teens and Young Adults by Elizabeth Laugeson, Psy.D.
- What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew by Sharon Saline, Psy.D.
For Children/Teens
- All Dogs have ADHD by Kathy Hoopmann
- Learning to Slow Down and Pay Attention by Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D and Ellen Dixon, Ph.D.
- A Boy and Bear: The Children's Relaxation Book by Lori Lite
- What to Do When Bad Habits Take Hold: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Nail Biting and More (What to Do Guides for Kids) by Dawn Heubner, Ph.D
- What to Do When You Worry Too Much: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety (What to Do Guides for Kids) by Dawn Heubner, Ph.D
- All Kinds of Minds: A Young Student's Book About Learning Abilities and Learning Disorders by Mel Levine, MD
- Big Breath: A Guided Meditation for Kids by William Meyer
- Autism: What Does it Mean to Me?: A Workbook Explaining Self Awareness and Life Lessons to the Child or Youth with High Functioning Autism or Asperger's by Catherine Faherty
- Smart but Scattered Teens by Richard Guare, PhD, Peg Dawson, EdD, & Colin Guare
- Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary "Executive Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential by Peg Dawson, EdD & Richard Guare, PhD
- Driven to Distraction (Revised): Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder by Edward Hallowell, MD, & John Ratey, MD
- Executive Functions: What They Are, How They Work, and Why They Evolved by Russell Barkley, PhD
- Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents by Peg Dawson, EdD & Richard Guare, PhD
Adult Mental Health
- Back to Life- Getting Past Your Past with Resilience, Strength, and Optimism by Alicia Salzer
- Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight: What to Do If You Are Sensory Defensive in an Overstimulating World by Sharon Heller, Ph.D.
- Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's by John Elder Robison
- Be Different: Adventures of a Free-Range Aspergian with Practical Advice for Aspergians, Misfits, Families & Teachers by John Elder Robison